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A How-To Guide for Participating in Clinical Trials

Feb 10, 2025 02:31AM ● By Family Features
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Clinical trials help researchers studying chronic conditions answer important questions about the diseases and their treatment options. However, uncertainty about what to expect and a lack of knowledge about how to get started can prevent patients from joining a clinical trial.

Choosing to take part in a clinical trial means helping a study team figure out if a new method of diagnosis, treatment or prevention is effective. If you live with a chronic condition, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, and want to help find answers for others who share your experience, a clinical trial is an option to consider.

Once you identify a study that interests you, you’ll want to talk with the professionals involved in your ongoing treatment, a clinical research coordinator and your family to gather information necessary to determine whether the clinical trial is a good fit.

To find additional information about clinical trials and begin exploring trials in your area, visit, and consider these steps for participating in a trial.

1. Talking with Your Doctor
Your gastroenterologist and other care providers can help determine whether a clinical trial is right for you and may be able to help point you toward recommended trials. It’s important to ask if or how your doctor will continue to be involved in your care if you participate in a trial.

2. Finding a Study
If you need help beyond your care team in identifying clinical trial opportunities in your area, organizations dedicated to your condition can be a good resource. For example, the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation offers an online Clinical Trial Finder for individuals with inflammatory bowel disease.

3. Talking with the Research Coordinator
A clinical trial research coordinator can provide details specific to your circumstances and needs. You can discuss potential benefits and risks, why the trial is being conducted and who is involved in the health care team. You can talk about past treatments and how this study may differ from your previous experiences. Other questions you might ask include what your options are if the trial doesn’t work, any costs you might expect and what your personal commitment will be.

4. Evaluating the Fit for You
Once you have the necessary information, you’ll be able to consider whether you’re ready to move forward with registering for the trial. You’ll want to weigh factors like your time commitment, travel distance and whether the trial will affect your personal or professional obligations.


Photos courtesy of Shutterstock


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